Psalm 35:25

Psalm 35:25

We can never be defeated

As we have seen, David’s travails are linked to a particular set of circumstances, arising at a particular time in his life, although we do not know for sure when that was. However, the lessons we can learn from this depressing state of affairs are many. In this verse he contemplates the victory of his enemies; he muses over what it will be like when, or if, they prevail in their accusations and ultimately bring him down. He imagines their crowing, sneering moments of triumph as they proclaim his demise to the world and to one another; “Aha, just what we wanted! We’ve swallowed him up. He’s finished!”

Once again, I cannot help but think of the demonic powers that surrounded the Cross of the Lord Jesus and imagine their snivelling, triumphant jibes as they watched Him breathe His last breath. I wonder what they made of that final cry of victory? “It is finished!” Did those words send a shiver of fear through the corridors of the satanic powers?

Let’s be honest here, the Satan is delighted when the saints of God are brought to their knees, when his devious plots are fulfilled and one of God’s holy ones is disgraced by lies and deceit. Do not doubt that we are in a battle my dear friends, and the more powerful or dangerous we become in God’s holy service, the more intense will be the opposition. But do not fear; they did not destroy the Son of God, their sneers turned to cries of panic. Their devious schemes led to the rise of a new force that would shake the whole earth to this very day. We are not on the losing side! The outcome of this war is already decided. Do not be led to believe it is about numbers, you may feel in a minority, but God deals in minorities. It is not about worldly power either, the conflict is about spiritual armour and a spiritual war in the heavenly realms. We have joined the ranks of the God of heaven who will protect and guard us every second of our lives. Sin cannot win! Evil cannot have the last word! Truth and righteousness will prevail! Hallelujah!


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