Psalm 35:21

Psalm 35:21 

Aha! Aha!

I guess we’ve all been the victims. Victims of sneers and accusations. We’ve heard the haughty voices of those who nod and finger-point and eagerly identify our faults or what they perceive to be our faults. They whisper and gossip and spread their sordid little stories and we have no means of defence. Often, what is said is completely untrue but there is little point in denying the accusations because the harm has already been done and no one will believe our protestations. This feels a bit like a review of daily newspaper headlines, full of innuendo and political bias; how glad I am that I am not in the public limelight, having to put up with that on a daily basis! But David did have to put up with it, he is describing exactly what it felt like and the injustice of it all hurts him deeply.

Perhaps one of the lessons to learn here is to keep our opinions of others to ourselves and to not join the ranks of the haughty, even though we may believe we are in the right. In today’s political climate with the media’s obsession with making up stories or twisting the truth we would be better to pray rather than say! And if you are a victim of the gossipers, those who say, “Aha! Aha!” then just put the matter in the Lord’s hands and press on seeking His righteousness, remembering from verse 19 that you will be hated for pursuing truth. What a world we live in! “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!”


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