Psalm 35:18

Psalm 35:18

One day soon!   

As you will recall, there were days of festivities in Israel’s calendar. These were all called Sabbaths but they were not just Saturdays; on any Sabbath the whole community stopped its business and people devoted themselves to the Lord. These were days of thanksgiving, of celebration, of offerings and remembrance. Passover, Festival of Weeks, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles – all of these were celebrated on an annual basis and the people would crowd around the Tabernacle (later the Temple) and remember their God and His power, His deliverance, His provision and His protection. Through years of struggle and unbelief the Lord had remained faithful and there was much to celebrate. As David looked forward to another Feast Day hope arose in his heart, “I will be there, in Jerusalem. I will give thanks to the Lord once again. I will join the vast assembly and sing songs of triumph and victory. I will praise the Lord my God amongst the great crowds that gather.” This was something to look forward to, to focus upon, to anticipate, to long for. For a moment he could put aside his troubles and be filled with hope.

We all need hope, we all need things to look forward to. There is nothing more moving than to listen to the yearnings of an elderly saint who is tired of this world, of its suffering and its disappointments. As you converse, they speak wistfully, of a better place, a brighter future, of the day they will be united with the Lord and their loved ones. What a day that will be, when we give thanks in the great assembly, when we praise the Lord among the throng. Such is the hope of all who believe. I hope that, in these dark Covid days, that we are all looking forward to a brighter day, a future of fellowship, love and praise. Whenever it may be it will come – one day - soon! Hallelujah! 


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