Psalm 35:11
Psalm 35:11
Ruthless witnesses
Oh dear! David is now in a Court Room, trembling in the dock as his enemies close in. The questions flow thick and fast, he is bewildered by the direction they take. “What are they talking about? What am I being accused of? They are making it up, I know nothing of these accusations. They are being very clever; they give the impression that I am guilty even when they know that I am innocent. Some of these witnesses are outright liars, how can I defend myself, they sound so plausible. They are asking me things in ways that suggest I am implicated when in fact I have no knowledge of these accusations.”
Listen! The enemy is clever and you and I are embroiled in very similar situations far more than we realise. This is the nitty, gritty heart of spiritual warfare, when our minds are subject to an onslaught of innuendo, with fantasy images, with events that never happened, with accusations that are groundless. Most of our problems start this way, an imagination, a fictitious thought or allurement and before we know it we are implicated. We listen to the lies and our imaginations run away with them. Then we feel guilty and what’s worse, the enemy has managed to drive a wedge between us and the Lord. The attacks are indeed ruthless and relentless and individual to us all. That’s why Paul writes, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2. "O God, renew my mind this day. Fill me with your Holy Spirit that I might not hear the suggestive questions of my enemies but Your gentle assertions of truth and righteousness."
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