Psalm 35:10b

Psalm 35:10b  

We've been robbed!     

It would be easy to skip over the second part of this verse and think, “It doesn’t apply to me. I have never been needy and I’ve never been robbed.” Oh yes you have. As the previous comments have highlighted, we are desperately needy people, our problem, most of the time, is that we don’t realise it! We need God’s help, protection, provision and input every moment we breathe, but we have been duped into believing that we can go it alone, we can manage our own lives, we only need to call on the Lord our God in a crisis. Thankfully, He is there watching and guarding and gently calling our name, even when we don’t realise it. 

As for being robbed – are you the person you want to be? Have you fulfilled every calling on your life? Do the people around you look up to you as a spiritual man or woman of God, who lives in intimacy with Him? Does your Bible come alive when you read and meditate upon it? Is your prayer life vibrant and powerful? Are you in control of your mental health and emotions and living powerfully for God? Is the Holy Spirit a dynamic, inspirational force within you? Are your lips constantly offering praise and worship to the glorious Being who watches over you? I could go on, but you get the picture; if this is not the way we live, then we have been robbed! The right of every human being is to live in close fellowship with their Maker. That right was snatched away in the Garden of Eden and most of us struggle to even get close to the kind of people we are meant to be. Oh yes, we’ve been robbed all right, but the Lord God, our Father in heaven, is working on getting us to the place where we rest in Him and start to fulfil the potential He sees in us. You and I cannot do it - but He will and He calls it sanctification. Hallelujah!


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