Psalm 35:3

Psalm 35:3 

I am Your salvation

Do you remember those occasions at school, or when you were a teenager or in your early twenties, when it was fun to dare friends to do something stupid! “I dare you!” we used to say, and there was always some idiot, often me, who would be prepared to take a gamble for the sake of popularity. At the risk of sounding irreverent, this verse almost reads like a dare; David says to the Lord God, “Come on then, brandish Your spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to me “I am your salvation.”” This is not a man who is asking the Lord to defend him, David wants God to go on the attack, to take on his adversaries, to stand before him and defy them. He asks that the mighty arm of the Lord God Almighty be raised, wielding offensive weapons, and that these deadly tools are accurately unleashed on his enemies. It is hard to understand this at times, especially as our enemies are not human and of flesh and blood. But, believe you me, they do exist, they are unrelenting in their pursuit of us and there are times when we must call out to the Lord our God and ask Him to take over the battle. His name is, “I am your salvation.” Never let us forget that, all through history God has been the salvation of His people and He will stand and fight for us. When prayer and relationship brings us to this level of understanding the battle is going to be won. Hallelujah! 


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