Psalm 35:1

Psalm 35:1

Heavenly King, defend Your servant

 The background to this Psalm is not completely clear. David was wandering and running and hiding for many months at different times in his life. It is possible that the events described in the previous Psalm were still hanging over him and so he penned Psalm 35. There is a military theme here, David calls upon the Lord to fight for him and then spends most of this song expressing his sense of injustice at the behaviour of his enemies.  There is no doubt that he sees their taunts and their lies as a dreadful slight against him and in this he is able to call upon the Lord and also to look forward to a time when his foes are beaten and he will publicly praise the Lord. 

If you are being persecuted or maligned or slandered unfairly, or if there are enemies who are speaking falsely about you, then take heart from this Psalm. 


V1        Contend means to oppose, challenge or resist. What an opening salvo this is to Psalm 35. David had enemies – plotters, schemers and wicked men who would do anything to bring about his downfall. He evidently felt helpless and unable to ward off their threats and so he turns to the Lord. “Anyone who is against me Lord, You take them on. You fight them off. You defend and protect me.” What a brilliant strategy! Instead of facing up to those who oppose us we ask the Lord to do it. Instead of plotting and scheming for justice or retribution we simply put the whole affair in God’s and hands and say, “You do it!” Let’s make that our plan today, if we are in a battle in our family, workplace, community or even our church, let’s just hand it over and ask the Lord to fight for us.

Of course, there is another more sinister angle here. Most of our troubles are spiritual ones that are stirred up by an unseen enemy. Here we really are out of our depth and that is why this cry of David’s should be our cry. “Father, when temptation and depression and fatigue and darkness oppress me. When unseen forces surround me. When the voices in my head, real or imagined, are more than I can bear; You fight for me, You resist them for me, You be my shield and my defender.” It is a good moment when we realise that we cannot fight on alone and we ask the Lord to take up the battle. 


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