Psalm 34:7

Psalm 34:7

The angel of the Lord     

The “angel of the Lord” features from time to time in Scripture, I think Hagar was the first to meet him when she had been cast out by Abraham and Sarah and she found herself sitting by a spring in the desert, with her little boy, Ishmael. Genesis 16. As you read the various accounts of angelic encounters, which are too numerous to list here but are worthy of further study, there are two impressions that stand out. Firstly, this “angel” seems to be the Lord Himself! For instance, Abraham pleads with him over the destruction of Sodom, the conversation suggests that man and God are speaking to one another. Genesis 18. The “angel” is worshipped by Moses, and Joshua, and also has the power to forgive sins. Exodus 23:21. On these occasions it seems that this “angel” is a theophany, an appearance by the Lord Jesus in human form.

At other times the “angel of the Lord” acts and speaks on behalf of the Lord and it is clear from the text that he is a separate being. (2 Samuel 24:16. Zechariah 1:11-13.) It follows that we have to look at the context and even though it may not be clear, what always stands out is that the Lord God is revealing Himself and interacting with human beings. He is not just a distant, spiritual deity but a God who draws near and appears in human forms to His people.

The verse before us today suggests that He is ALWAYS available to those who fear God, that we are being watched and guarded and protected whatever may happen to us. This thought must have surely been of great comfort to David in the time of his dilemma. What a comfort also for us, He will deliver us. I will leave the final thought to the author of the Book of Hebrews: - “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Hebs 1:14. That’s cause for a “Hallelujah!”



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