Psalm 34:5

Psalm 34:5  

Radiant faces     

Well, what can be said about this verse? It immediately puts me in mind of Exodus 34:29. “When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.”  How do you feel about having to put a veil over your face because, having spent a lot of time with the Lord, you are shining with pure joy? Frankly I doubt if I’ve ever been that radiant although I remember well, when I was 26 years of age, how the Holy Spirit elevated me to a place so beautiful and joyful that it took several days to recover! If you have read yesterday’s blog you will know that the experience of close fellowship did not last and yet its foundation was laid and the joy and pleasure of God’s presence are still with me many years later. 

Verse 5 here gives us two very different scenarios; the radiant faces of those who look to the Lord as opposed to the shameful faces of those who defy Him. It is the Lord’s will that we look to Him and grow radiant rather than look away and blush with shame. Have you ever been with men and women who somehow radiate the presence of the Lord? What special moments these are, fellowship is sweet and transcends ordinary friendship. There is a warm glow in the meeting of spirits and a sense of timeless affinity that remains when the event has passed. “Oh Lord, may my relationship with You be so intimate that others will know that Jesus is present when they meet with me. Give me a radiant face!”


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