Psalm 34:4

Psalm 34:4  

Delivered from all our fears     

Here is another statement in the Psalms that it would be so easy to brush over without embracing the full meaning of the words. “I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.” As we have seen in the introduction, David had more than enough on his plate, when he wrote this Psalm, to be a man full of fears! But, I don’t think that this refers to one incident or place in time, I think it refers to a general heart and mind attitude at all times. In other words, whatever stage we are in our spiritual journey, whatever may be happening to us – good or bad; we should be learning to seek the Lord. We are learning to lay all problems, big or small, at His feet. We are learning to depend upon Him in every detail of our lives. We are learning to walk with Him, to talk about everything with Him. As we do this, surprise, surprise; we become less anxious, we pass the buck, the fears slip away and we face the future with confidence and with hope. As someone who was once particularly anxious, so much so that it drove me into a breakdown when I was just 30, I can say that the Lord delivers. No one else could help me, the best that the “experts” could offer was pills. However, the Lord brought reassurance, hope and a deepening of faith that led me out of that wretched pit. I’m still learning to walk with Him, to seek Him, to trust Him and Him alone; to be delivered from all my fears. Hallelujah!



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