Psalm 34:3

Psalm 34:3  

Let us exalt His name together     

This verse carries on from verse 2, it is talking about corporate worship. As I write, it is a Sunday morning – 17th May 2020. The garden outside is very quiet, this is Coronavirus time and there are no aircraft and the traffic is silenced. My neighbours have not yet roused themselves and all that can be heard are the birds singing. Earlier a Cuckoo was calling out his evocation of summer days. Wouldn’t it be great to join a large crowd and to exalt the Lord’s name together? But of course, we cannot, it would be illegal, we are keeping our distance from one another. For the first time in history people across the land are not able to come together to worship or celebrate, or for any kind of communal event. Shortly, some of us will sit in front of our computers or Smart TV screens and watch a church service. Crossways Church will be following the example of many others; the congregation will meet but not to praise and worship together. Oh, what we have lost! How much did we take for granted? How lightly did we hold those precious moments when we came together to sing the Songs of Zion, the praises of our heavenly King. 

This verse 3 of Psalm 34 seems especially poignant this morning. When will we meet again? Have we to wait until we enter the auditorium of heaven before you and I will glorify the Lord together and exalt His holy name? If so, then hasten the day Lord, but save those who are dear to us first. Please! 


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