Psalm 34:22

Psalm 34:22

“The Lord will rescue His servants.” 

To be a servant you have to have a master. To be a servant you must be willing to take orders. To be a servant you must be willing to work. To be a servant you have to be dependable. To be a servant you must be able to obey your master and inspire his trust. There are many who like to think that they are servants of the Lord but they are actually serving themselves or just doing a job because they are paid to do a job. Some servants are like that, of course. Maybe it is splitting hairs but if I wanted the Lord to rescue me I think I’d also want to believe that I am worth rescuing! But, of course, we can never be good enough or faithful enough, and God is incredibly gracious in that He saves us despite our weaknesses and failings. So, while trouble and disaster and judgement pile up around us we can take comfort that we who believe will not be condemned, the justice of God against those who are His servants was meted out upon our Saviour, Jesus Christ at the cross. 


The final verse of this Psalm shows that while David may have been holed-up in the land of the Philistines where the enemy King was less of a threat than the Israelite King, he actually deems the Lord to be his refuge. And, while the jealous hatred of Saul has made life in Israel impossible, if David stays close to his Lord, He will be safe. Not only that but he believes that he will not be condemned. Let us end the Psalm on this note, “There is no condemnation for those who are in (taking refuge in) Christ Jesus because the law of the Spirit of life sets us free from the law of sin and death”Romans 8:1. What an ending! Hallelujah! 



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