Psalm 34:21

Psalm 34:21  

The consequences of evil     

In Jeremiah 2:3 we read, “Israel was holy to the Lord, the firstfruits of His harvest; all who devoured her were held guilty, and disaster overtook them, declares the Lord.” This verse is one of many that promises that where evil prospers and God’s people are victims, He will deal with the wickedness and bring judgement upon the perpetrators. It’s quite a statement isn’t it that, “Evil will slay the wicked?” In other words, the sinfulness of man brings its own judgements. I have found myself wondering if the present coronavirus crisis is not a judgement from God on an evil world. A world that has abandoned His commandments, that has turned to many other gods, that has replaced faith with reason and that has justified replacing morality with licence. How will evil men and women stand before God and excuse themselves from the murder of millions of helpless, unborn children? How will they be able to account for the weapons of mass destruction, the rape of the planet’s resources, the greed and the sexual filth that prosper all over the earth? How will they justify their science, philosophy and religion that deny the very existence of the one, true God? How can the world live with no reference to God Almighty and do as it pleases and not expect judgement? Man’s actions bring condemnation upon the world. Thank God that He has not yet been more angry with us; how gracious He is. But His kindness will not last forever. Be warned! 


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