Psalm 34:2

Psalm 34:2

What do we glory in?     

This verse of the Psalm begs a question. What do we glory in? It’s easy to throw a load of suggestions into the basket – celebrities standing beside their brand-new sports cars, a triumphant football supporter wearing the club kit, the proud home-owner with an immaculate house and garden, the smug investor clutching their portfolio. We all have things that we glory in, the phrase simply means that we praise these things in our heads, we take great pleasure from them, we value them very highly and would be destitute without them. 

It is a rare thing to find men and women, even Christians, who glory in the Lord to the extent that He is their greatest source of pride and joy. How many people wear Him as their badge of honour, claim Him as their greatest source of pleasure and spend inestimable amounts of time and effort worshipping and praising His holy name? Very few of us, I’m afraid. One version of this verse reads, “When I boast, it will be about ADONAI; the humble will hear of it and be glad.” Is there sufficient evidence, in your life and mine, of our devotion to the Lord that those who are humble before Him rejoice with us as we honour Him. How can anyone ever say that, “My faith is a private thing. I believe, but it is between me and God.” No! Our veneration of the Lord is only meaningful to the extent that it is visible. Discuss!



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