Psalm 34:17

Psalm 34:17  

He delivers     

This verse seems to be a repeat of verse 15 although the meaning is slightly changed. Here, we have godly men and women crying out and the backdrop is that they have troubles. “What kind of troubles?” Any kind, I suspect. Once again we look at this from David’s perspective and bear in mind the problems that confronted him as he penned this song. The hatred and murderous ambitions of King Saul. The parting from his closest friend and confidante – Jonathan. The narrow escape from Doeg, Saul’s Chief Shepherd, at Nob. The play- acting with Abimelek now that he lives as a fugitive in the land of the Philistines. David had plenty of troubles and he dare not think about what tomorrow might bring. It was enough to make any man cry out, but then he was not anybody, he was a righteous man and he knew this. He knew that he had the right to call out and that the Lord would hear him. The chain of thought leads David to believe that if he is righteous, and if the Lord hears, then the Lord will deliver him. 

My friends, we are not righteous by virtue of our own good works but Christ has made us righteous. Because of our faith in His salvation we can be sure that when we cry out to the Lord, like David, we will be heard. It follows that the Lord will always deliver us from our troubles. Praise be to His name. Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.”


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