Psalm 34:15

Psalm 34:15

He hears and delivers     

This verse and its successor continue the contrasts outlined previously between the Lord’s treatment of the righteous and the wicked. Verse 15 tells us that the righteous are constantly being brought to the Lord’s attention. Verse 16 speaks of the wicked being ignored! 

Isn’t it comforting to know that the eyes of the Lord are upon us? The only times when that becomes embarrassing or even fearful is when we know that we are sinning or that we have transgressed His laws. Then we would rather He looked the other way! I’m glad that the Lord is watching me. Life can be so hard, wearisome, scary, depressing and lonely; there’s nothing worse than the knowledge that no one understands, no one shares our pain or our sorrow. Life can also be a joyful, fulfilling experience and whatever may be happening it’s just good to know that there is a Lord in heaven who watches. It may be fanciful to say this, but do you not think that He must smile at times, or grimace, or wince, or express sadness? And when we cry out in joy or exasperation, our voice is heard, we are not ignored, He is attentive, He hears every word in every language. Just remember this today. He is so close to you that you could touch Him if He were visible. In fact, He is holding you in His hands right now as you read these words! Hallelujah! 



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