Psalm 34:11

Psalm 34:11

Listen to me!     

The beleaguered fugitive becomes a comforter! Despite the fear and insecurity of this episode in his life, David has managed to come up with some great pearls of wisdom as he writes this song. Now, considering the assurance that the presence of the Lord brings, he is able to offer comfort to us all and some help in understanding the ways of God. I like to accept this offer as coming from Jesus Christ Himself. He stands before me with searching eyes and hands outstretched, “Come, my child, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.” So, I sit humbly at His feet, aware that this moment is precious, for the Maker of the Universe, the Son of Almighty God is spending time with me, He has singled me out for instruction in wisdom. What does He want me to know? How the world was made? How the plans of God work?  The secrets of the angelic beings? The mysteries of faith? No, it is the fear of the Lord that I need to grasp. Reverence, respect, deep love and humility before my God. I need to know who I am as against who He is, for that knowledge is the road to wisdom. The more I learn to reverence Him, the more I realise how small and insignificant I am, the wiser and stronger I will be. That is worship friends, the true fear of the Lord is worship. Hallelujah! 



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