Psalm 34:10

Psalm 34:10  

Hungry lions?

I'm not a great lion lover, are you?  Much has been made, in recent years, of Aslan, the lion figure in the Narnia stories by CS Lewis. Aslan is meant to be a picture of Christ and that is fine, but the Lion of Judah is not an adorable, cuddly, purring playmate; He is a powerful, holy, Judge of the earth of whom men ought to be terrified! The description fits the tribe of Judah to whom Jacob spoke these words on his death bed. “You are a lion’s cub, Judah; you return from the prey, my son. Like a lion he crouches and lies down, like a lioness – who dares to rouse him?” The theme is picked up in Revelation 5:5 where the Lion of Judah has triumphed and proved Himself fit to open the seals and the scroll of judgement. 

In Scripture, lions are usually mentioned in the same category as jackals and desert beasts of prey who rely on cunning, speed and sheer power for their survival. When famine comes, or old age, or they cannot feed for themselves; lions go hungry. Not so those who seek the Lord. David had proved this by receiving from the priests at Nob, as we saw in the introduction to the Psalm. David’s cunning, strength and courage had not been enough in this present crisis and he had to learn to trust the Lord for his survival. What a lesson the young man was learning that those who seek God and put their faith in Him do not have to panic in a crisis. The Lord does not hold back on those who seek Him, He will provide; you and I will lack no good thing. Hallelujah! 


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