Psalm 33:22

Psalm 33:22

We put our hope in You     

So we come to the final few words of this momentous Song. Strangely, it appears to end with a kind of a deal! I don’t like doing deals with God, do you? He does deals with us and His deals are called covenants. The way it works is that God says what will be and we obey and as a result get incredibly blessed. Is this verse saying, “If we put our hope in You, will You then show unfailing love to us?” Nope! It is the other way around. The Lord already loves us, His love is unfailing so we cannot do a deal can we? If someone loves us anyway, what have we got to bring to the table? If that love is guaranteed, forever, what can we offer that will improve the deal? What David is saying here is, that as a consequence of the Lord’s unfailing love; we will put our hope in Him. He is love. He is generosity and grace and provision and blessing all rolled into One. He will carry on providing and caring and protecting His children for eternity. That is why we put our hope in Him. As weak and humble children we need to wake up to who He is and what He has done and will do. He loves YOU! He loves ME! Nothing is too much for Him. So, let us hope in Him and in Him alone.


Father we can so easily get hurt, confused, anxious and afraid because of all that is happening in our world. Thank You for this delightful Psalm that encourages us to praise You and to sing joyfully before You with new songs, if possible! There are many things in this Psalm to thank and praise You for: -

1.     Your word is right and true

2.     You are a faithful God in all Your ways

3.     Your faithful love fills the earth

4.     You are Creator God; You only had to speak and it came to be

5.     Your plans stand firm forever

6.     Your purposes outlast all generations of mankind

7.     You chose us for Your inheritance

8.     You always watch out for those who fear You

9.     You keep us from death and from famine

10.  You are our help and our shield

11.  Your name is holy

12.  Your unfailing love is with us always



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