Psalm 32:1

Psalm 32:1  


There are two things that God requires of us and both of them are addressed in this Psalm.   


·      Firstly, that we acknowledge our sins and that we have broken God’s commands. Until we do this we cannot receive His forgiveness and so we remain at odds with Him, there can be no relationship. 

·      The second condition is that we subject ourselves to His rule and reign, we acknowledge our dependence and admit that He is God and we are nothing without Him. 

It is rare that all of this happens in a “Damascus” moment, it usually takes a lifetime and thank God that He is patient and gracious with us. But we will never make progress in our relationship with Him unless we admit our need and humble ourselves – that is the key to maturity and growth as a Christian. This is how David sees it and Psalm 32 is his account of a growing friendship and dependency in the Lord. 



        This Psalm begins with an outburst of joyful praise. There are those, on earth, who are free, whose transgressions are forgiven and whose sins are covered. They have experienced God’s forgiveness and God’s covering and that experience induces a wonderful sense of well-being. Why does the world not recognise this? Why do psychologists and the like not realise that all the treatments and therapies, substitutes and panaceas are all fruitless, they do not produce lasting peace. Religions, theologies, philosophies never address the true problem of mankind, that we are sinful, we are at odds with our Maker and we will never be content until that problem is resolved. We were meant to be at peace, we are designed for fellowship with God and until that happens, we will always be in conflict. That is the single biggest problem in the world and few are willing to address it, primarily because it involves admission of sin and dependence upon our Creator.  Thank God if He has shown you the way. In Christ Jesus ALL of your transgression of His Law are forgiven, there is nothing that you and I have done, said or thought that is not pardoned. All of our sins are covered, and by the way, in Christ they are not just covered, they are completely removed. We are saved! We are free! There is no longer any condemnation! The charge sheet against us has been nailed to the cross! All barriers to fellowship with God are gone! How happy and blessed are we?  Hallelujah!


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