Psalm 31:7

Psalm 31:7

I will be glad     

Our “persona”, our being, the essential “me” is comprised of body and soul. The outer person or body is tangible and visible and recognisable. Within that body is my soul, my personality, my character, my identity as a human being. We also have a spirit, but that is dead unless it has been made alive by the Lord Jesus, in which case our spirit reflects and allows Him to become part of us, to dwell within us. God made us this way and all human beings reflect their inner nature or soul by the way they live and act and think and speak. It is only those who have the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ within them who can begin to act and think and speak differently – like Him. The more we allow Him to permeate our inner being, the less we are influenced by our own souls and the more we come under the control of the Holy Spirit. That is the war within us, described by the Apostle Paul in Romans 7. 

In this verse David talks of his soul being in anguish or adversities. He was deeply troubled, perhaps depressed or maybe suffering mentally. Body and soul are closely linked, if our soul is in anguish it’s not long before the body is affected. It is very hard for us to take control of such situations and so it is with great joy that I can tell you today that if you have the Holy Spirit in you then He can change you from within. Like David, we will be able to say, “You saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul.” It is this certain knowledge that inspires the believer who knows that a greater being has spotted their anguish and who will step in and bring deliverance. So we sing, “I will be glad and rejoice in Your love.”Today is the day, we hand it all over to the Lord Jesus, who by His Spirit will change everything. Hallelujah!


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