Psalm 31:6

Psalm 31:6  

I trust in the Lord     

This world is a very fragile place. At this time in our history, the Corona virus is sweeping across the world instilling fear and panic wherever it goes. Men are fearful and helpless at the savage destruction of our planet. We totter on the brink of financial disaster and somewhere, hidden away, are 16,000 nuclear warheads waiting for the master of terror to unleash their evil devastation. The list of potential horrors is very long and some of them will come to pass and yet mankind clings to its false gods and refuses the one, true God who can help them, our Father in heaven. Instead, people chase after the latest sensation or put their faith in human endeavour and scientific knowhow. All of these things from the crudest, pagan idol to the sophisticated inventions of man are nothing but vapours, they are worthless, vain things. There is only one answer to our desperate need and He is, in the main, ignored. Can we not therefore, share David’s frustration here?  For the sake of the name of our wonderful God, do we not hate those who promote every kind of trickery and deceit that keeps men and women from worshiping the Almighty One, the Maker of heaven and earth? Please do not trust in these vanities, say with King David, “As for me, I trust in the Lord.”

Say it with me, shout it out, stand up and raise your hands to the heavens and say, “AS FOR ME, I TRUST IN THE LORD!” 


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