Psalm 31:22

Psalm 31:22 

You heard my cry     

I guess we are all a bit like David, we are human! We feel much more secure if we can see something tangible rather than hope for it! Our warrior / songwriter is away from his home and the familiar places. The sites of Jerusalem and the familiar Tabernacle are far away and the Lord God seems far away too. David fears that he is cut off from God’s sight, he feels alone and vulnerable and very afraid. We have noted before, in verse 16, that there was a deep significance in being able to see God’s face; if it was hidden it suggested that God had turned away, that His people were in isolation. Oh, what dreadful anguish that brings, to seek the Lord believing that He is not there, that He has turned away, that He no longer cares; that is so awful. “And yet…. And yet…. And yet You heard my cry for mercy when I called to You for help!”  Can you imagine being trapped under rubble or underground? A scene that we see sometimes on TV after a bomb has detonated or an earthquake has struck. Some poor soul has been entombed and they cry out for hours hoping that someone will hear. Oh, the joy and relief when a voice responds, and they know that they are no longer alone. Another human being has heard and salvation may be possible. Sometimes in our spiritual journeys it can be like that. We feel cut off and desperate and we cry out to God for mercy. What a joy it is when heaven hears and the voice that responds is like a shaft of warm light cutting through the darkness. We know then that salvation will come, we know that Our Father is there, we know that we will never be alone again. What a God!


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