Psalm 31:19

Psalm 31:19  

A lot of good things!     

The immediate question that comes to mind as we begin to look at this verse is, what are the good things that the Lord God has stored up so abundantly? Here’s a statement of the obvious – “Good things are the opposite of bad things!” 

·      If God has saved us and rescued us and delivered us. That is a good thing surely? 

·      If God has provided for our needs and kept us through His provision. That too is a good thing.

·      If there is food on the table, and we have heat, water and a roof over our heads. That is a good thing.

·      If we have family and friends who love us and care for us. That is a good thing.

·      If the land we live in is at peace and we are free people. That too is good.

·      If we have experienced the Lord’s kindness and compassion. That is a good thing.

·      If others come to know the Lord Jesus and share in our worship of Him. That is good.

·      If God always keeps His promises, and He does. That is amazingly good.

·      If God is morally and spiritually righteous and has made a way for us to be righteous before Him, and He has. That is so good!

You can add to this list for our God has an abundant storehouse of good things, they are kept and provided for those who know Him and love Him. Dip into His “goodness” today and give thanks for all that He has done. Hallelujah!

All of these good things are stored up for those who fear God. The word “fear” here does not mean we shrink away in terror, it means that we are in awe of Him, that we revere and honour Him as our God. Why would we be frightened of One who bestows these good things “In the sight of all, on those who take refuge in You?” God’s goodness to us, to His children is no secret affair. He lavishes His blessings on us and they should be visible to everyone. If they are not, is it because we have forgotten to give Him the credit or we take so much for granted that we do not even notice what He is doing? All of the things listed in the first part of this verse, and much more besides, come from our Heavenly Father’s hand. David is surrounded by his enemies and their accusations as he writes this Psalm, we have looked at the fear and dread that they invoked within him. Now he contrasts their pernicious and arrogant lies with the sweet truth of the comfort of the Lord, He thinks about God’s “good things” and his heart is overwhelmed with gratitude. We have a refuge in our God, He does and will take care of us. Just trust Him, I say that to myself, just trust Him, while the world goes crazy around us and everyone is filled with fear, turn your fear to holy wonder and worship the Lord.


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