Psalm 31:13-14

Psalm 31:13-14  

You are my God     

It is noticeable that as we study the Psalms there is little reference to military warfare. David and his contemporaries were soldiers, and in his lifetime there were numerous military battles to be won and enemies to be overcome. However, the enemies mentioned in these songs are of a more subtle type. The onslaught is not from spears, swords and arrows but from the tongue. The tongue is just as deadly as any weaponry made from wood or metals. Most manufactured weapons have a singular purpose and trajectory, but the tongue is like a wildfire and can cause immense damage. At this moment in his life David sensed that the danger was all around him and he did not know which way to turn. Literally, “terror on every side.” These insidious foes were plotting and scheming and conspiring to take his life and he did not have a clue where the next threat was coming from.

Our spiritual enemy is no different. He does not use man-made weapons and he loves to stir things up with gossip, whispering campaigns and plots, imagined and real. And that’s the problem, we don’t know if things are being said or not being said, we don’t know who is saying them and consequently our thoughts spiral into dread and despair and we fear the very worst. If that is your experience, you are not alone. And if the attack is hindering your spiritual life it is because your enemy wants to squeeze that life until it burns out in defeat. Thank God that the Psalm does not end yet! For the believer there is hope!


It is time to speak out, loudly and in faith, “I trust in You, Lord; I say, You are my God.” Say it again! “I trust in You, Lord; I say, You are my God.” This is the antidote to all sickness and anguish, be it physical, mental or spiritual. In times of despair, when we have come to an end of ourselves and our strivings, we have just one decision to make. Am I prepared to trust in my God, am I willing to be dependent on the Lord? When we say, “You are my God” we effectively mean that our faith and hope are being placed into the arms of the greatest Being that exists. We are casting ourselves on His mercy, we are saying to our enemies, “You cannot touch me because the Lord is my God. There is no one greater, I am on the side of the supreme being, you got an issue with me, then take it up with Him!” Yes, it is passing the buck, but what a pass it is. We are safe. We are protected. We will be healed. We can hope for tomorrow. We are free! Hallelujah! Say it again – louder! “I trust in You, Lord; I say, You are my God.”


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