Psalm 31:11
Psalm 31:11
An object of dread
The way this verse is translated it reads as if David is blaming his enemies for the state that he finds himself in. I think though, it should read, “I am a reproach to my enemies, I am held in utter contempt by my neighbours, and I am an object of dread to my closest friends – those who see me outside on the streets, flee away from me.”
We have tried to imagine what it was that had brought our great warrior king to this dreadful state – it sounds as if he were treated like a leper! Perhaps that was it? These words resonate with the cries of Job in his darkest despair, when his physical health had broken, his wealth had been taken from him, his family was dead, his character stained forever. When a man falls that low, it is normal for even the closest to him to wonder what he did to bring such disaster upon himself.
As we have seen, the suffering of the Lord Jesus is mirrored in this Psalm and one can only imagine how He must have felt in the hours of His trial, His torture and Hid crucifixion: -
“My enemies point the finger and rebuke me. My fellow Jews hold me in contempt. My closest friends have deserted me and do not want to be associated with me. No one wants anything to do with me – I am alone.”
That is the effect the punishment of our sin had upon God’s Holy and perfect Son. I did that to Him! I would have been like Simon Peter. As He bore my sin, I would have refused to acknowledge Him, I would have had nothing to do with Him! How misguided and arrogant is that? How great is my Saviour’s love for me that He still went through with it. You would have deserted Him too, for it was part of His suffering that He must do it alone. Hallelujah what a Saviour!
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