Psalm 30:7

Psalm 30:7

The Royal Mountain     

The City of David and the site of the tabernacle were all in the area of Mount Zion in Jerusalem; that this was a place of security and refuge, there is no doubt. But Zion is not a very high mountain at 765 metres (2510 feet). It is overshadowed by the Mount of Olives and it is a mountain in a hilly area at the summit of a long steady climb from the Dead Sea or from any direction in Israel. So, Mount Zion does not really stand out and it may be therefore, that David is not talking about a literal mountain here but rather the embodiment of his kingdom and his royal influence. In that sense we all inhabit a metaphorical mountain in our spheres of influence, or amongst the people with whom we feel secure and our existence has some meaning. Our mountain could be our family, our work, our church, anywhere where we feel accepted and that we have a role to play. If that is true then we can say that when the Lord favours us, our mountain stands firm. When we, like David act foolishly and do our own thing, then God may well hide His face and fear and anxiety start to creep in. There is no place for negative emotions if God is with us, on our mountain we know that we are safe in Him. Let’s keep living His way, obedient to His will and by His Spirit and the mountain will grow in influence and size! Hallelujah! 


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