Psalm 30:6

Psalm 30:6  

I will never be shaken

     Do you remember the probable background to this Psalm? David had conducted a survey of fighting men, against God’s wishes. Safe and secure in the vast numbers that surrounded him and that were available to defend the kingdom, the King was able to reassure himself, “I will never be shaken.” His trust was in his defence force not in his God. It was a foolish mistake and led to a near death experience as the Lord God showed David who really was in control. 

How foolish we are when we trust in ourselves and in our own resources instead of in the Lord. And yet we all do it! Many of us have suffered times of financial hardship when we learned to trust in God. Then, when the situation improves and there are a few thousands in the Bank account we start trusting in money, “I am safe,” we say, “I have enough to cover me on a rainy day.” We trust in Insurance Policies, in savings account, in pension funds, in a well-maintained property. We trust in the contents of the freezer, in the availability of food, in the nearly new car, in good health and fitness, or the secure job. But the Lord does not want us to trust in any of these things, they could be taken away tomorrow. In the end the only thing, the only person that can be trusted completely is our God and His ability to save us and keep us. Then we can say, “I will never be shaken.”


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