Psalm 30:5

Psalm 30:5  

Joy comes in the morning

     The picture painted here is of a God who has every right to be permanently angry, whose justifiable wrath should be vented in a never-ending stream of judgement. But, the Lord Almighty is not like that. He does get angry. He has good reason to be angry for foolish human beings try His patience to the very limit. But His heart is love, it is sin that causes Him anger, and sin abounds but His grace abounds even more. One second of God’s anger could destroy the world, instead we find that day after day, He is patient with us. His favour has lasted for many lifetimes. I suspect that He has been angry with me on occasions, I’ve certainly been angry with myself. Maybe I have felt the weight of God’s justice and restraint but only momentarily, in truth my life has been one of rich blessing and protective care from the throne of heaven. David senses that his illness and “near death” experience has been the momentary result of God’s anger. So it is that we may, on occasion, have a guest staying for the night. The lodger has a name – it is “weeping”. But in the morning “weeping” packs his bags and leaves and rejoicing comes in to stay for good. Hallelujah! By the way, my grandmother was having a very tough time in labour one night. Weeping certainly stayed for the night but in the morning she gave birth to a daughter and, being reminded of this Psalm, she called her baby, Joy. My mum!


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