Psalm 30:4

Psalm 30:4

Sing the praises of the Lord

“Sing the praises of the Lord, you His faithful people; praise His holy name.”       In the next verses we are going to discover some of the reasons for David’s joy and infectious exuberance before the Lord, but let’s just wallow with him for a few moments, shall we? It’s easy to praise the Lord when all is going well. It is easy to praise Him when He has performed some exceptional work of deliverance in our lives or demonstrated His miraculous power. It is easy to be full of praise to God when we feel good about life. However, we also need to reflect on the fact that God is to be praised regardless of circumstances and feelings. We praise Him because He is. We praise Him for who He is. We praise Him because there is nothing else to praise and we praise Him because in so doing we feel better! In many ways the Lord God is way beyond our understanding and the list of His attributes that are worthy of praise is endless, but here we are exhorted to praise His holy name. The name that Jews would not, and will not, pronounce for fear of abusing Him or speaking falsely of Him. His name is holy, He is holy and because He exists, the great I AM, we have reason to praise. Take a few moments today just to praise His name and to be in awe that this divine being has revealed Himself to you and He loves you. He asks you to draw near and to praise Him. Hallelujah!



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