Psalm 30:2

Psalm 30:2

You healed me     

This God – man relationship thing is very simple really, it is all about trust, all about faith. It is founded upon a proper valuation of ourselves, that we are vulnerable, sinful, weak and helpless, unable to save ourselves and unable to breech the barrier that leads us into the realm of the Spirit. God in His wisdom and grace has opened a door for us that we may know Him and dwell in Him and with Him, but most people reject His invitation. Jesus came to give us spiritual life to take us beyond the physical, to lead us into the very heart of God. But to undertake this journey we must lose ourselves; we must relegate our own egos and, over time, learn to trust. To trust in God means that we must first believe in Him and then, believing, cast ourselves on His mercy. Sin and self and the Satan are our main protagonists who will seek to hinder this wonderful adventure. How hard it is to let go, to hand over control, to let His will become our will. But our patient Father waits for us to do just this, as David does here in this Psalm. “Lord my God, I called to You for help.” This is the cry of faith, of a man who could not help himself. A man who had to let go. And what happened? The Lord healed him! 

You see, faith is far more than a heightened sense of the supernatural; it is about dependency, about recognition of our own weakness and the immensity of God. It is about trusting for the unseeable and the unknown. It is about letting go of control and letting the Lord God have the reins. It is about stepping into the unknown because there is nowhere else to go. It is simply trusting that He will provide. It is about the recognition that we can do nothing, unlike some of the so-called men and women of faith today. The journey of faith is about less and less of me and more and more of Him. And on that journey when we call to Him for help, for no one else can help us, He will deliver! Hallelujah!


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