Psalm 30:11

Psalm 30:11 

Clothe me with joy

   Oh, what a bit of light relief this verse brings us! After all of the heart-wrenching cries and please for mercy; after David’s close encounter with the gates of death, we need some good news! As ever, our hero does not stay downcast for long, David was an emotional man, he expressed his feelings in vivid ways and particularly in his songs. The dark night was over, the sickness had passed, the taunts of the enemy were behind him and it is celebration time! Please don’t forget to celebrate when prayers are answered and when problems are overcome. Restored fellowship with the Lord is as good a reason for a party as any and our king is going to make merry! No more wailing, it’s time to dance! (That troubles me a bit, I’m very self-conscious and “wooden” when it comes to physical expressions of elation!) Let’s take off our sackcloth garments of “woe is me”, “everyone is against me”, “it always happens to me”. It's time for self-pity to be thrown off to be replaced by positive hope in the Lord and so we cry “Clothe me with joy,”

“O my God, let every cell in my body rejoice before You, let my tongue and my whole being be liberated to praise and exalt you and I will not care what anyone thinks of me, for you have saved me and you will guard and keep me and all I want to do is praise You!.” 


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