Psalm 30:10

Psalm 30:10  

Where are You?

     In verse 8 we read that David called to the Lord for mercy. Here, two verses later, he pleads for the Lord to hear his cries. Imagine that you have fallen over in a secluded spot and you can’t get up, your leg is hurting like crazy. So you call out and hope that someone might be in the neighbourhood and come to your rescue. That’s verse 8. Suppose that you know that there is someone there within earshot and that your cries have been loud enough to be heard. The request changes, all you want is for them to hear, to not be distracted, to come to your aid, to not turn away and leave you. In verse 8 you are not sure if there is anyone around. Here in verse 10 there’s definitely someone close by. Can you see the difference? David knows that God is near, he knows that his cries are loud enough to be heard, all he asks is that the Lord turns and comes to rescue him. There is a sequence here, from the desperate cry of the helpless, uncertain of a response, to the plaintive plea of the one who knows that help is close at hand. Where are you and where is God when you call? Is He far away or is He nearby, close enough for you to gain His attention? The final phrase is one of submission, all self-reliance has gone, it’s as if God is now standing over us staring down and we look up with pleading eyes, “Lord, be my help.” 



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