Psalm 30:1
Psalm 30:1
I will exalt You
There is nothing like a good gloat once we have overcome a deadly illness or some tragedy or major upset in our lives. Actually, there is something better than a good gloat, there is a moment of reflection when we see who it was who delivered us and then give Him the praise. David’s demise would have been a tragedy for him, his family and his people. Enemies within the state of Israel and most of the nations beyond its borders would have danced with glee at the fall of the great warrior king. However, it didn’t happen. The king came close to it, he sank so low he could almost sense the gates of Sheol and impending doom BUT, the Lord lifted him up and now he is recovering. As previously stated, it is most likely that this disaster was of David’s own making, he had sacrificed his faith in God for a faith that depended on accumulated wealth and strength but now he had regained his senses, the Lord had saved him. Dear friends, remember what we have learned about the Lord who loves and protects His children. He redeems our mistakes, he snatches us from the jaws of defeat, He keeps us when all the wisdom of the world says that we are doomed. Oh Lord, I will exalt You, you are amazing, you are so loyal and so good to us. Praise be to Your name.
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