Psalm 29:7

Psalm 29:7

The voice of the Lord

     It is not possible for men to see God. According to the Apostle Paul, “He is the immortal, invisible God.” I Timothy 1:17. John solemnly affirms on a number of occasions that “no one has ever seen God.” Therefore, the best that we can hope for is a sense of His presence, signs of His presence and the sound of His presence. There is a Greek word for such encounters – theophany. Creation declares Him, the prophets spoke for Him, the Bible describes Him and Jesus Christ revealed Him; He said that, “No one comes to the Father except by me.” John 14:6. If you think about it, God never acts, all He has to do is speak! He spoke and the universe came into being. Jesus was and is the Word, He was God speaking to the world. Somehow, men of old like David understood this and their heroic vision of the Almighty was of a superior being who only had to say the word and the elements would crackle into fire. What other explanation did they have for lightning and is ours any better? Let me remind you what I wrote about lightning in Psalm 18:14: -

·      A lightning flash can heat the air around it to 5 times hotter than the sun’s surface.

·      A bolt of lightning can contain up to 1 billion volts of electricity.

·      A bolt can travel between a cloud and the earth at 200,000 mph.

·      When lightning approaches the earth a surge of positive electricity rises to meet it through a tree or a building, or a tall object. The flash streaks upward at some 200,000,000 mph!

·      The resulting electrical explosion within the cumulonimbus clouds, some of which reach heights of 12 miles, creates the thunderclap that causes so many to dive under cover and put their fingers in their ears!

Such power cannot be harnessed, its timing and location cannot be predicted, and its intensity cannot be explained. Maybe God just wants us to be in awe and admit that there is a power greater than us and it exceeds our understanding. The Lord never stops speaking, unfortunately human beings rarely hear Him and show very little interest in knowing Him. But we do know Him!  Hallelujah!


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