Psalm 29:5

Psalm 29:5

Breaking the cedars!

     In ancient times one of the most powerful symbols of strength and durability were the cedars of Lebanon. Their height and circumference were unprecedented in the plant world and these great trees were viewed with awe. They still grow in abundance in Lebanon today and they still have a sense of majesty and timelessness. The wood of the cedar was highly prized for the building of temples and palaces. If you had travelled through Israel or came from the east and the wilderness lands you would have seen acacias and sycamores and dates and olives, even oaks, but there was nothing so grand as the cedars of Lebanon. 

In the light of the symbolism and power of the mighty cedars and the respect in which they were held, the words of David in this verse make more sense. He is effectively saying that the strength of these great trees is no match for the voice of Almighty God. All God has to do is speak and the cedars of Lebanon will break into pieces. There was no more powerful a metaphor available at that time and it is hard to think of a rival, even today. When God speaks, creation rocks!



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