Psalm 29:3

Psalm 29:3 

My God did it all!

     Job wrote, “God’s voice thunders in marvellous ways; He does great things beyond our understanding.” Job 37:5. There are educated, superior minds out there who would laugh at the simplistic faith of those who attribute nature’s powerful acts to the gods! They would especially mock those who believe there is one God, who is creator of all things and who has the whole world in His hands. The truth is however, that mankind does not really have a clue about how nature works, about the sun and the moon and the atmosphere and the heavens and the galaxies and the mysteries of the oceans and created life and seasons and time and space. Our sophisticated knowledge is merely scratching at the surface of the intricate processes that made all things and that holds them together; so the Psalm reminds us that when the mighty voice of our God spoke over the waters land appeared and oceans were divided from sky. When God spoke, the Red Sea parted and the Jordan divided so that God’s people could make a crossing. There is no doubt in David’s mind about how these things happened, simply because there is no other explanation that can account for these mighty acts, either then or now.  Only God can do it, and that God is my God and your God and He invites us to call Him, Father!


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