Psalm 29:2

Psalm 29:2  

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name.” 

     Think about this phrase…… Is it possible to give to God the glory that His name is due? How do we do it? Sing Him a song? Read Him a prayer? Go to a church service? Or, lay down our lives completely at His feet and submit in awe and wonder? “You are God and I fall down before You.” The word “worship” in this verse literally means to “bow down.” It speaks of subservience, of recognising His greatness and our own poverty. We bow down in humility and honour before One who is so much greater than we are and who is worthy of our complete respect. We let go of self completely and throw ourselves on His mercy.

The second part of the verse gives us a clue what is in David’s mind; translated literally it says, “Worship the Lord in the adornment of holiness.” When the Levitical priests went to work it was not in jeans and a t-shirt! They were required to robe themselves in fine white linen garments that had been set apart for the priestly tasks. The garments themselves were thus holy and those worn by the High Priest were very elaborate. The clothes were more than just official garments, they were to remind ordinary people who watched from the side-lines, that it was impossible for them to approach the holy presence of God without the correct garments and sanctification processes, and these were peculiar to the priesthood. You and I, dear friends, have been invited to become priests in the House of the Lord. We have been clothed with the splendid garments of righteousness and we are called to draw near to our God. Let us keep our garments clean and recognise the high privilege of who we are as we bring our sacrifices of praise. Think about this.


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