Psalm 29:1

Psalm 29:1 

Give to the Lord

      This Psalm is a song of praise to the King of all creation.  In this Psalm we are about to discover that the voice of the Lord is speaking out everywhere; the problem with mankind is that our senses are dulled or we choose not to hear what creation is telling us. This is a thrilling song and it starts – in heaven! It is from heaven that our Father first spoke, “Let there be light.” It was from heaven that our Father devised a plan to create a beautiful world and to visit it in the form of His Son. The voice of our Father is the Word of our Father and yes, everything trembles when He speaks for nothing can withstand the power and authority of His voice. 


V1        1 Chronicles 16:7-36 sets down the anthem of praise that David wrote for Asaph (the chief musician) and all who would serve in the Tabernacle in Jerusalem. This great anthem uses the word “ascribe” a great deal. It simply means “give.” Give to the Lord, the glory, the honour, the credit that is due to His name. Here in Psalm 29 David is commanding the heavenly beings, the angelic host, to give God the glory for everything. Perhaps he wrote this in the knowledge that some of those heavenly beings had left the service of Almighty God and followed Lucifer into darkness. Some of these creatures have become the lesser gods worshipped by pagans and false religions. Perhaps these lost creatures are being urged to give to God the glory that He is due, or maybe David is simply encouraging all of heaven’s loyal hosts to “keep praising.” Surely this is a call for us all to bow humbly before the Lord and to submit to His superior power and strength? All glory is His. All strength is His. We are nothing and He is God. Let's give Him glory today and credit Him with strength. Hallelujah!


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