Psalm 28:9b

Psalm 28:9b  

Be my shepherd

     Our Psalm ends on what seems to be a sentimental note. David, having asked that the Lord God will save His people and bless His inheritance, now has a final request. “Be their shepherd and carry them forever.” In 2 Samuel 5:1-3 we read that all Israel came together to anoint David as their king, at Hebron. They believed that he had been appointed by God to be their shepherd or ruler. But David had already admitted his dependence on another shepherd – “The Lord is my Shepherd.” In other words, he is setting out a chain of command; he doesn’t mind being the shepherd of Israel so long as he is being shepherded himself by the Lord God. The problem with so many leaders is that they think the buck stops with them and that they are not accountable. David’s success was founded on the premise that he was merely a go-between, that there was a higher authority and that he could do the job so long as the Lord was with him. That thought needs to guide every church leader, elder, deacon, pastor, minister and the rest; we are not the final rung on the ladder of command, there is one over us. And so our prayer for those we serve is offered in the knowledge that our place in their lives is temporary, but the Lord is in post forever. 


Lord, we ask for those who we serve, that You will be their shepherd and that You will carry them forever. Thank You that You are our rock and that You hear all our cries for mercy. Thank You that You are our strength and our shiel and thank You for the songs of praise that fill our hearts with joy. Thank You that You are our fortress and that we are protected better than royalty. Thank You that You are our God and our Father and with You on side there is no foe who can harm us. Blessed be your name. 


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