Psalm 28:9a

Psalm 28:9a  

Bless Your inheritance

  The one pro-active verb that crops up through all of Scripture and that best describes God’s dealings with the human race is “He saves.” From the beginning of time when Adam and Eve were first lured away from God through disobedience, He has been in the salvation business. He has saved individuals and He has saved a nation time and again – Israel. He sent His Son to save us all and He called Him Jesus, “For He shall save His people from their sins.” God is intent on saving us from the wrath to come and those who are saved, His church, are tasked with taking the good news of His salvation to those who are unsafe. The Lord God is all about salvation. “Lord save Your people” cries David, “and bless Your inheritance.” The inheritance then was Israel, today it is all who believe and who are saved from sin and judgement. 

After salvation the word that best describes God’s dealings with mankind is blessing. The word suggests a favour or gift from God, it is a positive endowment, often undeserved and always freely given. We may seek God’s blessing on one another, on our family members, on His church and on a nation. Blessing means more than a few words from a priest with raised hands, it is a specific request, a reflection of our heart’s desire to see God working for good in the lives of others. It can embrace everything from financial and healthy well-being to protection and safety from enemies. May God bless you this day for you are His inheritance, His people, His family, His children. 


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