Psalm 28:8

Psalm 28:8  

You are my fortress

     When I started these mediations in the Psalms it was with the intention of learning more about spiritual warfare. A brief reading of some of David’s writings had convinced me that there was a definite parallel between the enemies that he fought and the spiritual battles that we undergo. And so it has proved. The opposition tactics are the same, the weapons have the same effect, the nature of the conflict between David and his earthly opponents is a mirror of the spiritual warfare that is the calling of the Christian soldier. The surprise factor in all of this, is not the offensive side of the battle but the defensive. I had not realised how well protected we are. In fact, the defences are well-nigh impregnable unless the Lord allows us to be strategically embroiled in offensive warfare or we are daft enough to put ourselves in the firing line! This verse highlights the nature of the security forces around us; “the Lord is our strength and He is a fortress of salvation for His anointed one(s).”  If we keep our trust in Him and stay close to Him, we are protected 24/7 from the attempts of the Satan and his aggressors, to cause us harm. In fact, arrows are shot in our direction, bullets are fired and swords are brandished but most of the time we know nothing about this. Why? Because we are safe in the fortress that is our God. His angels are truly guardian angels and His armour has no weak spots. Put it on and keep it on today. Hallelujah.  


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