Psalm 28:7

Psalm 28:7  

The Lord is my strength and shield

     There are no words to describe the sense of well-being that comes from knowing that the Lord is helping us. How often has our physical energy been depleted and the tanks are on empty? How often have we been faced by an impossible situation and have had no idea what to do? How often has the spiritual battle been so intense that we cannot stand and we sink to our knees in desperation? How often have we confronted illness, depression, despair, confusion, anxiety and all the other negative experiences common to man? How often have we, like David, cried out in anguish and suddenly the way becomes clear, our eyes are opened, the enemy beats a retreat and the clouds are lifted? As such times we can and should proclaim, “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me.” This is the story we have to tell; God is our Helper, the Lord is our strength and our shield. One of these is proactive and the other is defensive. The Lord gives me strength to act and He shields me when I am vulnerable. As an older man, I could testify for hours about the countless occasions when the Lord has been my strength and shield and that is just the situations I know about. He even guards us and helps us when we do not even realise! So, let’s praise Him shall we? Let’s sing songs of joy and thanksgiving, for our journey through this life is one of privilege and high status. Forget the Royal Family, they have none of the privileges and protection that we have. Like the coastguards watching over the seas so the Lord watches over you and me and guess what? There are times when He steps in before the boat capsizes and we have become aware of the danger. You know what I am going to say – Hallelujah!


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