Psalm 28:6

Psalm 28:6  

He has heard!

     And now, suddenly, the whole nature of this Psalm changes. David has voiced his complaints, he has passed the buck, he has got it all off his chest and, if his faith means anything, he should now be able to “move on.” He does more than move on, he breaks into a proclamation of praise to the Lord who has heard his requests. It is so easy to keep on praying the same old prayers, with the same old complaints and the same old, weary diatribes against those who would harm us. If faith means anything at all, we have to come to the point that David has reached here, when we realise that the Lord has heard. Our complaints have been registered. There is nothing more to say. The Lord heard, therefore, “Praise be to the Lord!” All prayer should eventually lead us to the place of praise and wonder. The whole point of prayer is to bring our requests to a far greater Being and believe that He has heard us. Why would He not hear? He is not deaf to our needs; He knows them before we do. Having laid our pleas at His feet we can step away and expect a response. Like a little child running to dad who picks up his son or daughter and soothes their hurts and worries, so our heavenly Father will respond to us. We can let go, nothing is too hard for God, let’s now wait and see what He will do. This is the prayer of letting go, of dependency on Almighty God, the prayer that simply says, “Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me.” Psalm 27:7.



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