Psalm 28:4

Psalm 28:4

The Lord will repay

     It doesn’t sit well with us does it; this calling down of curses on our enemies, this pleading with God to bring about restitution and to punish those who have harmed us? Surely Jesus taught that we should pray for our enemies and that we should turn the other cheek? After all, He died for His enemies and He asked God to forgive those who crucified Him because they didn’t know what they were doing! 

God is never contradictory, His ways are just and true, if there appears to be a contradiction it is usually because we have not grasped what is really being said. I believe that to be the case here. David is not suggesting that we should avenge ourselves when we are wronged, but he is asking that the Lord God will deal justly with those who have wronged us. After all, the Scripture says of the Lord, “It is mine to avenge, I will repay.” Deut 32:35. We do have the right, as redeemed believers, to appeal to the Judge of all men, who is also our Father, to redress wrongs committed against us and to impose penalties commensurate with the crimes. But it is for God to do this, not us, and because He knows all things he will act justly. So, when we are wronged unfairly, when things are spoken about us that are unjust and incorrect, we may appeal to our Almighty, Holy Father and ask Him to sort it out! By so doing we can lay the matter down and not brood on it for weeks or months. We are effectively passing the buck and seeking justice from a higher authority. Now we can let the matter go and move on. Isn’t that brilliant? Hallelujah!


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