Psalm 28:3

 Psalm 28:3  

Those who harbour malice

Come to think of it, the most often-used weapon against David was the tongue! Rarely do we read in the Psalms of swords and spears and bows and arrows, but malicious talk and deceit and evil accusations are regularly encountered. And our beleaguered Psalm writer does not want to be one of those people who condemns others and who constantly speaks evil of them. “Don’t let me be dragged away with them. I don’t want to be numbered with those who do evil”writes David.

There is a particular kind of evil speaking mentioned here; those who charm and talk to us like a friend but in their hearts are plotting harm. There is nothing more cruel than spite, meanness and sheer nastiness hiding behind a smile and a cheery face. As Christians our hearts and our words and our demeanour should be married together as one, we present to the world the face that reflects the heart. Some people are incredibly adept at saying one thing but meaning another. “Lord keep us from being two-faced and protect us from those who are. Give us the wisdom to discern truth and to see true intentions. Do not let us be dragged down with the wicked.” 


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