Psalm 28:1

Psalm 28:1  

Please don't ignore me

     We have speculated before about the timing of many of David’s Psalms and the precise moments in time when he called out for help and deliverance. It seems that this great man had a number of life-threatening experiences where he had no other resort than to cry out to the Lord. On most of these occasions the trouble seems to be deadly and caused by human persecutors – those who were intent on ending his life. Of course, there have been Christian men and women who have faced similar circumstances and who have succumbed to death threats and eventual martyrdom; there are many who are being persecuted for their faith even today and whose existence is in peril because of human enemies. Even if we do not face similar dilemmas, we are still engaged in a battle, one that has now been mentioned many times on our journey through these Psalms. The Satan [described thus, as you will remember, because Satan is not a proper noun it is an adjective that means accuser or adversary) is intent on silencing God’s people. He plans to destroy us and to thwart God’s purposes in us and through us. He is utterly opposed to all that the Lord God is saying and doing in the world and loves nothing more than to persecute the family of God. Keep that in mind as we study the first few verses of this Psalm together.


V1        “You are my rock Lord. It is to You that I call. Please do not ignore my prayers when I call out to You. If You do, I might as well be dead. If You ignore me I am no better off than those who go down to the pit of death, to Sheol, the mysterious world of the departed.”


How awful to be in a place where we think that the Lord no longer cares, that our prayers fall on deaf ears. How dreadful to be crying out in fear and nobody is listening and our cries go unheard. If God does not hear us then what is the point of life? Later in the Psalm we shall see that the cause is not hopeless, that we are indeed heard and that there is One who guards and guides and protects us. If you are at the point of absolute despair and the Lord God is your Father and your God, then now is the time to look up, to trust in His unfailing love and to believe, with hope, that He will rescue you. He will never let you go. He will never abandon you. He will bring you through the darkest places. He is God. 


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