Psalm 27:7

Psalm 27:7

Be merciful to me

     This plaintive cry to be heard by the Lord, is a feature of David’s songs. Having danced with him in the sacred tent and rejoiced with him in the face of our enemies, we now better  understand his heart. How easy it is to still feel vulnerable and alone, to sense the might of the enemy and be anxious at the sheer size of the task ahead of us. I think it is ok to feel vulnerable, for one simple reason, it means that we must trust the Lord completely. The problems, the scale of the battle and the helplessness of our humanity are meant to throw us on the mercy of the Lord. It is one thing to dance and sing and rejoice in His presence but sooner or later we must step out and face the obstacles around us. That is when we look up to the Lord and cry, “Be merciful to me and answer me.”  How often we have left the exhilaration of a celebration with God, be it alone or with a vast crowd. The joy and wonder of His presence have been overwhelming and filled us with renewed courage and faith; but the problems still have to be faced. We cannot live on the mountain top; we have to descend back into the valley. The celebration prepares us for the battle ahead, it is vital that our batteries are charged if we are to go out and fight the enemy. This is the moment when we cry, “Be merciful to me and answer me.”


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