Psalm 27:12

Psalm 27:12

False accusations

     One of the hardest things to live with, as a Christian is false accusations. I mean, some people deserve what is said about them and others revel in creating mayhem and enjoy the pernicious finger-pointing that follows them. But we follow Jesus, our aim is to give a good account of ourselves, to lead blameless lives, to be free of allegations by walking the path of holiness. That is why the accusations, if they do arise, are particularly hurtful. The Satan, of course, knows all of this, so he will be intent on causing as much trouble as possible and if he can smear a few Godly characters by some false charges then, let’s be in no doubt, he will do it. Some Christians know this and if they have a bit of scandal somewhere in their past, they lie low and keep out of the limelight. But we are meant to be fighting men and women who are prepared to step out of the shadows, that’s why the enemy uses fear and intimidation. That is why we must pray like David, “Lord, do not turn me over to the desire of my foes.” Yes, there will be times when false things are said and someone through jealousy or some form of warped injustice will maliciously accuse us. That has always been the enemy’s way. That is what he did to Jesus. If this happens to you, search your heart to be sure there is no truth in what has been said. Pray about it – with others? Seek God’s will on how to confront the situation or how to hide from it for a while. He will show you. 


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