Psalm 27:11

Psalm 27:11  

Equipped to travel

     I have to confess to having a love of maps, especially Ordinance Survey Maps! There was a joke in the family that when we went on holiday, Geoff had already been to the destination, before we arrived. He knew the best walks, where the footpaths went and where there were woods and streams and coastal paths etc. I liked to know the car route in advance and would carefully memorise road names and numbers, and plan ahead for stops if it was longer journey. This was long before Sat-Nav, (which I still very rarely use) became the “in” thing. I was teaching myself the way, which is fine if you are travelling by car or walking in the countryside, but what about our spiritual journeys? Do you think that it is possible to keep going in wild country or even on smooth carriageways without a guide? Of course not! This is hostile territory, rife with bandits and other hazards and yet many think they can make it on their own. As the Psalm says, we need the Lord to teach us the way and to make sure we do not deviate from the path and get lost. David spent some years in wild places, travelling light through thinly populated country as he escaped from his enemies. We are not being pursued by human enemy scouts, but our oppressors are just as real. If you and I are to survive in the wilderness, or in the city,  as the enemy hunts us down, we also need the Lord to teach us the way and to keep us on the right track. Doing these Bible studies is one way that He uses to help me. The Bible has become my map, the Holy Spirit is my Sat-Nav, the Good Shepherd is my guide. We all have access to these wonderful aids. Hallelujah!


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